The Kigali Declaration Commitment Tracker is the only financing tracker for NTDs, making it a key tool for accountability and to drive further investments.
Why track NTD commitments?
The Commitment Tracker enables partners in the NTD community to understand the volume and distribution of resources being invested in NTD programmes and to hold endorsers of the Kigali Declaration accountable for the commitments they have made.
The Tracker can be used as a tool for NTD advocates to stay well-informed on donor commitments, to leverage timely data to share and help drive more investments, and to ensure accountability for countries on both new and existing commitments.
About the Commitment Tracker
The Commitment Tracker covers the period 2021 to 2030 in line with the WHO road map for NTDs.
Partners enter the commitments directly into the tracker and have full ownership and management of their commitments.
There are four primary commitment types including financial, health product, policy and in-kind. Uniting to Combat NTDs undertakes a detailed verification process of commitments to ensure that funds are not duplicated.
FLUCTUATING TOTALS - The underpinning principle of the Tracker is partner data ownership. While Uniting to Combat NTDs undertakes a validation process for each commitment, at times partners revisit their data and adjust and update their data.
A country's experience of using the Tracker
Rwanda was the first country in Africa to enter its domestic investments for NTDs into the Commitment Tracker.
Hear from Ladislas Nshimiyimana from the Government of Rwanda as he explains how the data was gathered, including what it took to get national stakeholders involved.

Kigali Declaration Commitment Tracker FAQs
The underpinning principle of the Tracker is partner data ownership. While Uniting to Combat NTDs undertakes a validation process for each commitment, at times partners revisit their data and adjust and update their data.
Partners enter the commitments directly into the Tracker and have full ownership and management of their commitment data. Partners can update their data and add new commitments at any time.
The data is owned by NTD partners. Uniting to Combat NTDs undertakes a validation process with partners for each commitment. While the Tracker presents a good overall picture of funding for NTDs, it is not exhaustive. Uniting to Combat NTDs continues to work with NTD donors and stakeholders to ensure that the Tracker is as complete and representative as it can be.
Uniting to Combat NTDs undertakes a detailed verification process of commitments to ensure that funds are not duplicated. Partners have kindly provided high-level breakdowns of funding sources which has enabled Uniting to Combat NTDs to understand where primary source funding has originated and to cross-reference funding sources and commitments.
The commitment tracker is updated daily and displays real-time data. Increased activity on the Tracker occurs around major commitment moments like World NTD Day in January.
- Financial
- Health product – Donations of medicines and drugs, diagnostics, logistics and supply chain.
- Policy – For example support for the integration of NTDs into basic healthcare packages and/or other priority areas, inclusion of NTDs in National Development Plans and/or multisectoral plans and NTD advocacy or communication.
- In-kind – Technical assistance or staff and/or time that is not provided through donor funding. Infrastructure, including office space, vehicles, desks, computers etc.
Country-level commitments are represented as NTD spend. The Ministry of Health and NTD programme coordinate and enter domestic investments for NTDs into the Commitment Tracker. Complexities associated with gathering country-level NTD spend data include working across multiple government departments and NTD stakeholders. Uniting to Combat NTDs continues to support countries with this task. Ladislas Nshimiyimana from the Government of Rwanda shares some of Rwanda’s experiences in this video.
The Commitment Tracker displays all commitments in US$. Partners apply currency exchange rates to their commitments.
This is the second phase of the Commitment Tracker. Future iterations will include:
- Expansion of the Commitment Track to include accountability.
- Increased number of commitments from the NTD community including NTD endemic county commitments, this will help to build a more complete picture of NTD financing.
- Visualizations to show the level of commitments over time.
Uniting continues to support partners with their commitments. Feel free to reach out to with enquiries.